Friday, May 18, 2007


Recently I have been working on a BizTalk project that receives large messages at a fairly regular interval. Whilst BTS 2006 does implement an enhanced messaging engine that touts improvements to transformation carried out on large messages, in practice I have found the increase to be noticeable but not enough when dealing with increased traffic as well.

There is a great article of debatching inbound messages from the sql adapter over at Richard Seroters blog.

If any of you run through this, something that caught me out was not setting the Body XPath attribute on the schema designated as your envelope. This attribute, which is found in the Parse section of the your desired route node tells BizTalk where to start looping for child messages. So if you need to go three or four layers deep before you want to start looping you can get around having to create an intermediary schema by using this. If you don't set this property it is very unlikely that the debatching process will work for you.

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